Kid's church
For parent(s) with children we offer Kid's church on Sunday mornings between the hours of 10:15 and 11:15 a.m. This safe, nurturing environment for your child/ren allows parent(s) the freedom to attend our worship service. You are welcome to sit in and observe your children's activities at any time.

Inductive Bible study is one of the hallmarks of our church!
We are currently studying the book of Job using Precept Upon Precept workbooks.
We meet on Tuesday from 6:30-8:30 pm.
All are welcome to come and dig deeper into God's Word.

Lori Bowers organizes Knots of Love.
Knots of Love customarily meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month, 9:30-11:30am. Ladies bring whatever projects they are working on from home. They work on their projects and socialize with the group. Often ladies are working on knitting and crocheting projects. Lori usually shares a devotional and facilitates a brief discussion on the topic.

Our Missions Ministry Leader is Bonnie Mueller.
We support the four major American Baptist offerings: America For Christ, World Mission Offering, One Great Hour of Sharing, and Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering.
We support our local Community Table. We prepare and serve food the first Saturday of every month to anyone who enters the doors. The site of the lunch is St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Barb Moravec is the chief organizer for our church.

Special events include Movie Nights, Game Nights, Monthly Fellowship Meals, Thanksgiving dinner, Easter Breakfast and many more. See our calendar webpage for our upcoming special events.